we had an assignment yesterday in English.I put all my books and notebooks in my bag for morning and afternoon subjects.But I suddenly decided to just come home so I put away my notebooks (afternoon subjects).I didn't notice that we have our English subject in the morning and afternoon.(I thought that it's only in the afternoon) so I borrow Angelica's book and then she told me that I should let her copy my answers.I decided to deal with her because if I don't, I will not have an assignment and I'll get 0 . When I was answering the questions, Hasley asked me if he can copy my answer,I just agree with him and when I'm done with it, I let Hasley copy my answers before Angelica because he is a varsity player and will go out of the classroom later for their practice for the coming game. I didn't expect him to copy even my personal answers...because you know...it's about me..my own opinion.Then Carlo asked Hasley if he can also copy it.He let him copy my answers.After Carlo, I gave my paper to Angelica.After some minutes, I look at Ricalaine and saw that she's busy, then I look at what she's doing and I saw that she's copying Clifford's answer and I saw that Clifford's answer is mine. I didn't know that Clifford copied my answer too.When I look at Mark's and Harold's answer, I saw that we have the same answer...oh my God..I suddenly think...what should I do? Many of my classmates copied my answer..if our teacher saw that we have the same answer,she'll give us low grade. In the afternoon,when I was already in the bus,going home,I saw May Ann and I asked her to sit beside me. Then she asked me if we have an assignment and I told her that there is none. I told her that we have something to do tomorrow and she asked me what is it.She told me that she didn't listen to our teacher so she didn't know what we should do.She even told me that she and my other girl classmates didn't made our assignment and just copied it from Angelica.I was shocked that time. Angelica just copied my answer.Then I thought that maybe more than 20 have the answer of mine.So I just made my last answer longer because we're going to report it and my teacher didn't let us check it yet.